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HomeSelf ImprovementSleep to Heal Yourself!

Sleep to Heal Yourself!


We have been conditioned to think that if we sleep more then we are lazy! But that’s what has been the narrative for ages. The irony is that when we are young we get a lot of sleep and as we get older, especially in the latter half of our lives we have to take the help of medicines to get good sleep!

There are multiple reasons for insomnia one being definitely lifestyle, stress and health issues. 

Long working hours, reaching home late at night, late dinner and hence late sleeping impact your waking hours and impacts your whole day. Let me tell you that a good night’s sleep is very well connected to the food you eat and at what time you eat the food, it also depends on your exposure time to artificial light, especially on television and mobile phone and of course the content you consume on these devices. These all exposure impact your mind and also ​​melatonin secretions. With food, emotional and lifestyle issues we reach a stage where we need to take extra supplements for melatonin deficiency and added side effects for the same. 

So now let’s talk about how sleeping helps to heal yourself and how to get good sleep!

Sleeping as a healing tool

When we sleep a lot of our organs move to a semi-standby mode, and our brain is cut off from all the external information that is fed to us via our five senses like our sense of sight, listening, taste, touch and smell! These five senses are the gateway to our conscious and sub-conscious mind which helps to add stress, anxiety etc OR also to relive the same depending on the situations and the phase of life we are in. However, once these 5 senses are at ease / shut from external stimulus our brain, nervous system and organs have been working for us 24×7 without a holiday until the end of our last breath is also at ease and are focussed in their core function that they are supposed to do. For eg: Our health pumps the blood at its required rate, our kidneys do their work of filtration, our intestine does their work of absorption on nutrients and all the other organs along with the ductless glands are continuously impacted by external good / not-so-good stimuli. 

Let’s not forget our vital energy of life, the fire that keeps us alive our very own Pranashakti is also focusing and driving all the major functions of our body and healing various organs that have worn out or damaged over a period of time due to many factors. 

Good Sleep gives you the below benefits:


  • Helps to digest the food you ate and also extract the required nutrition that the body needs
  • Help to repair the cells, and organs and remove the dead cells from the body
  • The monkey mind is at ease and there aren’t too many thoughts which we need to be bothered too much 
  • Increases the life span of our organs and hence our body 
  • Reduces anxiety and stress in our body
  • Helps for emotional and mental wellbeing 

Do you know our body replaces billions of cells every day?

10 things to follow for a Good and Sound Sleep:

  1. Please sleep for the number of hours your body needs your body will tell you the sleep you need 
  2. Get off our gadgets at least two hours before your bedtime 
  3. Have an early and light dinner – There has to be 2 hours gap between your dinner and sleep
  4. Eat simple food that is wholesome and with minimal or no spices 
  5. Don’t do heavy exercise in the evening, avoid going to the gym during the evening time  
  6. A brisk walk after dinner is good 
  7. Avoid work-related conversations and gadgets before 2 hours of sleep (Basically gradually switching off from work and other activities) 
  8. Set a fixed cut-off time from work and other unwanted toxic conversation 
  9. Read books for self-improvement, spent time with family and pets
  10. Chanting, and affirmations are good food for your mind, body and soul 

If you have sleeping issues I would like to share the below videos as a bonus which you can hear to get a good sound sleep.

 Please share your comments below about what you feel once you follow the above. 


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