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HomeSelf ImprovementWhat is Healing and Why do we need it?

What is Healing and Why do we need it?


Hey Everyone!

If you check the dictionary definition of Healing on the internet, say for that matter even on Wikipedia all of them speak about the repairing of physical parts of your body. However, in the last decade and especially during the Covid period people have undergone a lot of emotional and mental health issues. Well emotional and mental health are intertwined, and to know the difference between them, read here. Emotional Health vs Mental Health 

In fact, these issues manifest into physical health problems over time, which need to be taken care of on time! 

Now let’s go further and try to understand healing from a larger perspective and beyond the medical books. Healing encapsulates a larger gamut of therapies than just visiting a doctor and alternative therapies like Ayurveda, homoeopathy, acupressure, acupuncture etc. 

But What is healing or Why does one need healing? 

Healing is required when there is suffering or trauma and it’s a part of your soul journey to grow or evolve and to learn your lessons of life. It’s all about what you choose to experience for yourself in this life. But then do we really choose suffering over happiness? Well, it’s all the game of cause and effect or to make you understand it’s the Karma or the Karmic settlement with yourself or your with another person in your life and that person could be anyone.

The first step towards Healing in simple terms could be just accepting or acknowledging the situations or the circumstances you are in and then thinking of how you want to improve yourself from these situations or circumstances. 

Why do we need healing?

Healing is required so that we grow in all facades of our life! Healing is required so that we learn our lesson, acknowledge it and close the karmic account we have with anyone or anything!

Healing is required so that we are in a better position to face or deal with dire situations in our life! Healing is required so that we do not react the same way as before as we have outgrown the situation, healing is required so that we are close to what we are and connect with the divine energy that drives us and experience life beautifully, live and achieve it to the fullest!


So how we do heal ourselves? What are the methods and when do you think that healing is required? Well, healing is required for everyone in the current scenarios and circumstances!


How do we heal ourselves? Hmmm….for that do read my next blog!


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